District & Club Presidents Information


    1. Please send a short typewritten (paragraph) report about your District Meeting to Sue Hassler by May 15th to be included in the summer newsletter, d[email protected]

    1. Send the name & address of your club president & treasurer, if changed, to Gwen Brubaker, Treasurer, or say President & Treasurer will be the same.
    2. Please invite your District President to attend a club meeting.
    3. Send names of members who have died to Jodine Pilmer by May 15th.
    4. Send names of club members who need a card to Ruth Mullin, [email protected].

    1. Please send changes of email addresses & postal mail addresses of club members to Sue Hassler; d[email protected] Post Office charges OFMC for incorrect addresses. Include the entire zip code (00000-0000).
    2. Send interesting club news to Editor-Sue Hassler.

    1. Dues to the state treasurer, Gwen Brubaker, by Nov. 1.
    2. OFMC dues form-Sent to club treasurers online in September. Mailed if not online.
    3. Past Presidents Assembly (PPA) & Founders Day contributions provide funds for NFMC Young Artists Awards
    4. Send District dues to your District treasurer or take to District meeting.

    1. Includes names and contact information of all OFMC Senior, Collegiate, Junior personnel and key NFMC information.
    2. Please keep your Directory in your Club President’s Notebook.
    3. Directory corrections printed in the Newsletter-Please put corrections in your Directory.
    4. Send any corrections to Richard Dill.

    • Feb 1 Parade of American Music, Marjorie Poorman, Chairman
    • April 1 Chamber Music, Holly Babcock, Chairman
    • April 1 Choral Music, Ednita Vaflor, Chairman
    • April 1 Crusade for Strings, Maxine Hunter, Chairman
    • April 1 Folk Music, Doris Kimble, Chairman
    • April 1 Music in Poetry, John Pottmeyer, Chairman
    • April 1 Music in Schools, Colleges, Arline Smith Chairman
    • April 1 Music Outreach (nursing, assisted living & veterans) Jeannine Morris, Chairman
    • April 1 Opera, Carol Becker, Chairman
    • April 1 Together We Sing and Sacred Music, Marilyn Yekisa, Chairman
    • May 15 Necrology, Jodine Pilmer, Chairman
    • May 24 Senior Club Reporting, Dorothy Blackburn, Chairman
    • May 25 National Music Week, Nan Weir, Chairman

    -Thank you for providing them. Please use NFMC Guidelines ME 5-2

    1. Cover-Include Table of Contents in front of yearbook or Index in back of yearbook.
    2. Page 1, NFMC Officers, changes will be sent to you or available on NFMC website.
    3. NFMC Course of Study list-Book review at 3 Club meetings. Approved books are listed on the NFMC website www.nfmc-music.org.
    4. Please give number of club members.
    5. Include extended zip codes, area codes with phone # and email addresses.
    6. In the even years, take 5 copies of your yearbook to the State Convention.  In odd years, send one yearbook to each of the following: State President, Chairman of Club Presidents, State Treasurer, State Yearbook Chair, and one to your District President.
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