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Event Series Event Series: Adult Composers Competition

Adult Composers Competition

January 15

whole note

OFMC Adult Composers Contest Prizes:
First prize: $900, Second prize: $700, Third prize: $400

  1. Entrant must be a member of and in good standing with an OFMC senior club, or have a Senior Special
  2. Entrant is 26 years or older.
  3. Entrant shall submit only one composition, original and unpublished for each annual contest.
    Arrangements from standard works are not accepted.
  4. The first place winner will not be eligible to enter the following year.
  5. Performance time shall be between 4-10 minutes
  6. Submitted works may be for a solo instrument or voice, small ensemble, or any combination up to a
    chamber orchestra or choir.
  7. Only English texts with proof of copyright permissions are allowed for vocal compositions.
  8. Entrant shall submit by email a PDF manuscript and an mp3 recording of the composition, using a
    pseudonym (nom de plume) on each, and including the performance time. No true name is to appear on
    the manuscript or recording. Deadline: January 15th in the year of the contest.
  9. Entrant will also submit the official Application Form, available on the OFMC website www.ofmc.org
    (click Application) or from the contest chairman, and the $20.00 entry fee. The entrant’s true name and
    nom de plume shall both appear on the entry form.
  10. Entrant shall send the entry form and fee to the chairman postmarked no later than January 15th in
    the year of the contest.
  11. The judges shall consider musicianship, creative ability, and technical excellence shown by entrants.
  12. Prizes may be shared between contestants in case of a tie.
  13. If no entry is considered worthy to win one of the awards, that prize will not be given.
  14. Optional: Entrant may include program notes with composition.

RULES (downloadable PDF)

Chair: Sally Christman


January 15
Event Categories:


Sally Christman